I have been busy working on a cross stitch, although I can't share it just yet. But I can give you a sneak peak. Anyone fancy some gin?
Or how about some Buckfast?
No, not in the mood for drinking. Why not clean the kitchen instead?
All will be revealed shortly. In other crafting news, I have had a disagreement with the washing machine. Or rather, my super action hero fingerless mittens have, after I accidentally put them in the washer. They have become rather felted, and are only capable of warming a finger, rather than my whole hand. So I am making some more, using some lovely Jamieson's Shetland Soft, that I brought in Lerwick, back on my holidays a couple of years ago.
Now, to keep these clear of the washing machine!
An overnight coach at the weekend took me to my folks house. From there yet another coach along with my mum and nan to the Knitting and Stitching show.
With a huge array of things to see and buy, I was relatively restrained with my purchases. A pair of extreme knitting needles (24mm x 700mm) from Rachel John. I'm not quite sure I'm up to 1000 strand knitting yet though!
I also brought a let's felt instruction guide from Piiku. Hopefully this will encourage me to find the time to get felting again. My mum and nan got some rather fancy yarn, from the aptly named Fancy Yarn specialists. Back on the coach again, and homeward bound. To my delight when I arrived home, there was a package from the lovely A Playful Day podcast, as I'd won the donation giveaway - whoo hoo!
Four balls of drops fabel, in beautiful blues.
Plus five shell bead stitch markers from A Little Bit Sheepish. These are very luxurious, they are very smooth to the touch, and one even is a lobster clasp for marking crochet.
Plus, some uber cute sheep stitch markers from The Lollipop Stop. Once again, I am truly spoilt. And I think my old stitch markers (plain plastic rings) will have to go into retirement!