Bah Humbug!
Not feeling the full on festive force? Why not crochet a humbug and then sew felt letters to it. Seems like a perfectly good waste of my time :)
I made a chain row the length of the humbug in white, then as I went back along doing a couple of single crochet stitches, then doubles in the middle (to create girth) and then singles again till the end. I then swapped colour, did a row of singles, and on the way back did as above. Repeat, whilst changing colour for stripes, until it can be joined up. Sorry - my crochet pattern abilities are pretty dire! Any problems just ask me.
I'd like to point out that I do love Christmas. The cosy feeling, an endless supply of nibbles, eating chocolate for breakfast, a few days off work, adding bling to a plastic tree, an excuse to heat up wine and bring dried fruit in to the house. But what I don't love is somehow Christmas has become a spendathon. Dear Santa, bring me a satsuma and a walnut please!
I love your humbug...I think I might try to put one of these in everyone's stocking!