Things have been quiet on the blog front of late, I was busy finishing my work for the hand embroidery network exhibition. Must now get back on track with my OCA work! Remember my lovely jumper I'm knitting? I had a terrible incident where my circular needles broke, and am still awaiting a replacement. Fortunately the accident happened whilst I was at Stitch 'n' Bitch, and Gillian very kindly came to my rescue and saved my stitches. I'm sure if I was at home I would have just cried and ripped it all out, to start all over! Will my jumper get finished in time for winter? I am now working on a secret cross stitch instead (shhhh!!! details to follow I promise!).A bargain bookstore has opened in town, which has forced (!) me to buy a book on International Arts and Crafts. Some gorgeous images in this book, especially by Lindsay P Butterfield and Charles Voysey. I found a company that produces Arts and Crafts wallpapers, if only we lived in an old property, they would be just perfect!