Wax Wave & Rabbit
A lovely non-work Wednesday! I attended a Frances Hider workshop on 'Beautiful Batik on Silk' organised by the Guild of Silk Painters - Glasgow & West of Scotland branch. I've only ever tried batik a couple of times previously, and never on silk, so jumped at the chance to have a go. I should point out that my photos here are not of the finished pieces! The work has gone off to be steam-fixed; to set the dye and remove the wax. It will be interesting to see how the removal of the wax changes the image. The first piece is inspired by a photo of a wave. Layers of wax and dye were built up using tjantings, brushes, splattering and dabbing.
The second piece was inspired by a photo of a rabbit in silhouette. Using a paintbrush with its bristles coagulated in wax takes some getting used to, as it doesn't quite flow as you would expect! Layers of progressively darker dye were built up to create the image. By the end of the workshop I had noticed that on the wet surface the dye colours had shifted a little... Here's hoping that when my piece is returned my bunny's ear hasn't fallen off!
Great batik work. I think the rabbit is wonderful and you've really captured the movement of the wave in your first piece. Hope they look even better when you get them back.