Saturday, 23 July 2011

Ribbon woven QR code

I saw this QR-3D project on Rockpool Candy's blog and wondered if a ribbon woven QR code would work. Firstly I created a QR code here (for this very blog!), and transferred the code to squared paper, so that I could follow the pattern easier. QR codes are made up a grid of 33 x 33. So I laid down 33 strips of white ribbon, and set to work weaving the black ribbon in.Finally finished! Interestingly the ribbon woven QR code doesn't scan, but a photo of it does. I wonder if this is because at a smaller resolution it hides the imperfections? I quite like the look at the underside - a QR code in negative.


  1. I saw this project too and couldn't think how it could work - this is a great idea!

  2. Wow! That's pretty cool. How long did it take to weave that?

  3. Thanks for your comments! I started the weaving on Monday afternoon & had it on the go all week. I found that I could only really do 3 or 4 strips in one sitting, as it was really quite difficult to concentrate & I really didn't want to make any mistakes!

  4. How clever are you! I'm only just aware of what the codes are, let alone weaving one.
