Second post in one day - wow, I wonder what has come over me! This afternoon I have been making a mess, I flicked watercolour masking fluid on to paper, slowly layering on progressively darker layers of watercolour paint. Is the outcome a picture of a distant galaxy? When not flicking paintbrushes on the dining table (I do have a desk - but that is another story) I have been cutting and ripping papers to make a collage. There is something very pleasing about collage, it reminds me of applique fuzzy felt shapes. When creating collage I'm always slightly tempted to stick on a pasta shell! This flower reminds me of the yellow submarine. It's not all play here, as I have just finished reading Ways of Seeing by John Berger. If you are interested, someone has kindly added the original TV series to Youtube.
it is so sweet to juse youre hands doing something creative ! Love collage myself, and youre flower was really cute :)