I love buttons, certainly no koumpounophobia for me, some proof of this can be seen here. One of my favourite things is the feeling of putting my hands in to a big jar of buttons! This, luckily for me, has been a button filled weekend. Yesterday my local EG branch had a very informative talk on buttons from Jane Freshwater. She shared her amazing collection of buttons, everything from intricately made Dorset buttons for holding up your smalls, to brightly coloured 1930s bakelite buttons. Today it was the 1st birthday of the Glasgow Central Stitch 'n' Bitch group. To celebrate we had party games and a wonderful cake, with a very apt topping! One of the games was 'guess how many buttons in the jar' and at a guess of 165 - I won! Hurrah! And my prize... the buttons! Quick update on my tranquil tapestry, after two hours of weaving I have achieved a grand total of two inches. Now, I really must get back to work!
So cool! Weaving is something I would really like to try at some point in my life!!