Monday 21 January 2013

Holiday crafting...

January is coming to a close, and I am only just sharing my holiday crafting... A squishy red festive hat for a friend, using the Farm Beanie pattern by Allison Britt and drops merino extra fine.
Wingspan for my mum, using drops delight.  I really like the long colour changes in this yarn, it works really well with this pattern.
And more freezer paper stencils, I love Fenny bags, for friends who just love Fenny Stratford.
I still have some other rather fabulous knitted gifts, but can't share them just yet!  In the meantime, have you seen this wonderful knitted Black Forest cake? 


  1. I love your Wingspan! I absolutely need to try that pattern. Also, I just had to share the cake video. So cute and fun!

    1. Thank you! The cake video is quite amazing!

  2. I enjoy your holiday crafting, especially the wingspan - how I love it! But I simply adore the video of the knitted Black Forest cake. I am living north of Black Forest - it is so present here!
    Thank you for the links - they are great!

    1. Wow, I would love to go walking in the Black Forest, such a very pretty part of the world!
