Monday 28 November 2011

Crochet hills...

So I didn't get all the way to the end of November with NaBloPoMo. A weekend away, catching up with friends meant that blogging took a back seat. I did craft though, as we drove down the M6, I wondered if Cumbria would suit a few extra hills?

Thursday 24 November 2011

A Rather Fantastic Mr Fox Badge

Take one inspirational vintage waistcoat, some embroidery threads, a piece of 22-count aida, and a badge maker, and what do you get?
A rather fantastic Mr Fox badge. I drew up a chart, picked threads to match and got to work.
Covering a whole waistcoat would certainly take some time!

Wednesday 23 November 2011

A Nice Sit Down...

A relaxing evening of cross stitch and catching up on podcasts (A Playful Day and Caithness Craft Collective).
I will share my stitching soon.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

From little acorns...

... do Christmas decorations grow! After seeing these acorns on Knitty Gritty Thoughts I just had to have a go. Made using styrofoam balls, fabric and pins. Each acorn took about an hour to make, but was an easy project to do whilst watching the tv.
The only problem is that these two acorns took just under a packet of pins - now that is a lot of pins!
I need more pins to finish all six balls, plus I think my thumb needs a rest for a day or two, from pushing in all those pins!

Monday 21 November 2011

Starter for Ten...

My ten squares are finished for Robin House.
Can you believe these pictures were taken this morning before I left for work? Yep, the darkness is here.

Sunday 20 November 2011

A haiku for today...

Awake at midday
Grand designs on the TV
Sit and knit away

Saturday 19 November 2011

A moment of calm...

After a hectic day shopping (it takes it out of you!) a much needed sit down and a pause.
Enough of that though, better get out to the dancin'...

Friday 18 November 2011

A wheek of Guinea Pigs...

After the dizzying fame of how to make a felt Jeremy in this month's Guinea Pig Magazine, I thought I'd introduce my guinea pig story. It started with a trip to the SSPCA, and a father and son guinea pig pair. Their names soon became Norman Stanley Fletcher and Lennie Godber. After all, they were held behind bars, and Fletch slept on top bunk (well, on top of the cave).
Their story was sad, they had been found in a box in a park, along with Mrs Fletch and some female babies. Fletch was quite a character, like an overgrown big hamster.
Fletch definitely performed the alpha male role, whilst Godber being the teenage son sulked in the pigloo. Fletch had some rather odd health issues, and when he passed, it left a very lonely and needy Godber. Godber by now, had realised that humans are good for food and lying on laps sleeping. He was quite an affectionate so and so.
As a friend for Godber, we got a young boar from Lanarkshire small animal rescue. Continuing with the Porridge theme, he was Jim McLaren. It was love at first sight between Godber and McLaren.
As he was just a baby when we got him, we didn't realise that McLaren was a sheltie guinea pig, with beautiful long locks. Fortunately McLaren was a very good natured beast who didn't mind the occasional bum hair trim!
One night McLaren stopped eating, and before we could take him to the vets in the morning, he had gone. Godber was heartbroken - first his dad, then his best friend. Godber withdrew and hid in his house. A new friend was needed, again off to the SSPCA, where we found a beautiful guinea pig with a tragic back story, Oscar. He was found in a box, along with a rabbit and two female guinea pigs, along the side of the road. When he was found he was in a terrible state, underweight, with bald patches from where the animals had been barbering each other (probably due to lack of hay and stress).
Oscar came home with us, a friendly guinea pig who seemed constantly amazed by fresh food (he certainly wasn't picky at all!). Unfortunately Godber didn't take to him.
LinkI think Oscars presence confirmed to Godber that McLaren wasn't coming back. Godber retreated even more, and eventually refusing to eat. He developed a chest infection, and sadly died. This left the newcomer Oscar, after his turbulent few months we decided he could settle in on his own and get used to the good life. A few days after this sweetcorn adventure, Oscar had a seizure and died. Now we were without guinea pigs. A break in pethood was needed, but then I found Tom and Jerry at Becklen rescue.
Two brothers needing a home. So since May, the artists formally known as Tom and Jerry (the names implied a hierarchy!) became Mark and Jeremy (of Peep Show fame). These boys are certainly the most athletic guinea pigs we have had, Jeremy especially, I suspect he thinks he is a ferret some days.
Mark is the braver of the two, although they are still suspicious of us, and any new food!
Here are all the guinea pig decorations together.
Apparently the collective noun for guinea pigs is a group, which is a little dull. I think it should be a wheek of guinea pigs or a collection of cavies. What do you think?

Thursday 17 November 2011

Cosy knitting...

A cosy night in, catching up on tv and knitting away for Robin house...
Ps) Do you ever get distracted by the internet? Does it prevent you from writing? Do you need a carrot on a stick? Or not a carrot as such, but the reward of a picture of a kitten for every 100 words. Purr-fect!

Tuesday 15 November 2011

The C word...

After the Guinea pig decoration post yesterday, I wonder if it is too early to mention the C word?
Are you planning any crafting for Christmas? Other than felt guinea pigs of course!
A great tutorial I saw today is from Knitty Gritty Thoughts who shared some beautiful fabric pine cones. They look beautiful - must get crafting!

Monday 14 November 2011

Jeremy becomes famous

Today is a special day. Jeremy is now officially the face of Christmas.
No Christmas tree this year will be complete without felt Jeremy adorning it. Today a magazine was posted through our letterbox, issue 5 of Guinea Pig Magazine in fact.
This contains step-by-step instructions on how to make your very own felt Jeremy decoration.
Mark Corrigan remains unimpressed.
You can order your very own copy of Guinea Pig Magazine here, plus have a look at the cute guinea pigs wandering along the web page!

Sunday 13 November 2011

Shetland wool

Big news this week in the wool world, is that Shetland wool has secured protected designation of origin (POD) status.
Like Champagne, Camembert cheese and Cornish clotted cream; native Shetland wool has now made it on to the list of EU protected products.
This means that buying anything labelled 'native Shetland wool' guarantees that it is just that.
Interestingly this is the first non-food item from the UK to be given this status.
As the temperature drops towards winter, I have been making use of my Shetland wool pows, and my goodness they are warm! I suppose any sheep up in Shetland needs to ensure that they have a very hardy fleece, all the better for keeping my hands cosy.
Ps) These photos are from our trip to Shetland back in 2009.